01785 244400

151 West Way, Stafford

Now Let
£12,000 per annum
660 sq.ft. (61.32 sq.m.)
  • Previously used as betting shop
  • Available to let or purchase
  • Prominent location in densely populated residential area
  • Adjoining private car parking for six vehicles
  • Close to busy neighbourhood shopping precinct
  • Suitable for a variety of alternative retail or non-retail uses
  • Rates free subject to occupier qualification

The property is prominently situated on the south side of West Way between its junctions with Swinburne Close and Coleridge Drive in a densely populated residential area located about one mile south-west from Stafford town centre. West Way provides a direct link between the A518 Newport Road and the A449 Wolverhampton Road.

A neighbourhood shopping centre is close by and accommodates a Spar convenience store, a McColl's newsagents, a pharmacy, a fish and chip shop and a Chinese takeaway.

The premises are of detached single-storey part rendered brick construction with a flat roof and provides a ground floor centrally-heated and air-conditioned retail area previously used as a betting shop but now vacant.

The property would be suitable for a wide variety of alternative trades or for another non-retail usage subject to any planning consent considered appropriate by the relevant Local Authority.

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