107/107a First Avenue, Trinity Fields, Stafford
- Type:
- Retail
- Status
- Now Sold
- Price:
- Offers in region of £160,000
- Size:
895 sq.ft. (83.15 sq.m.)
- Popular residential neighbourhood
- Includes two-bedroomed flat
- Close to new Co-op Convenience Store
- Hot food takeaway consent
The property is situated in a neighbourhood trading position on the south side of First Avenue between its junctions with Trinity Rise and Redhill and in a densely populated residential area located approximately one and a half miles north-west from the town centre.
The property forms part of a parade of retail units of two-storey brick construction with flat roof coverings and is fitted with an aluminium and glazed shop front with an electrically-operated security shutter
The premises were formerly used as a food store with post office, which has now been relocated nearby, and provides sales space on the ground floor, a separately accessed double-glazed two-bedroomed flat at first floor level and a garage at the rear.
The property enjoys the benefit of planning consent for hot food takeaway purposes but would also be suitable for other trading or non-retail purposes subject to any appropriate planning consent required by the local authority.