74 Co-operative Street, Stafford
- Type:
- Motor Trade
- Status
- Now Sold
- Price:
- £225,000
- Size:
3,925 sq.ft. (364.64 sq.m.)
- Currently used for vehicle repairs and an MOT Test Centre
- Likely to be of interest to motor trade users and developers
- Full planning consent for redevelopment to provide three houses
The property is situated on the North side of Co-operative Street between its junctions with the A34 Stone Road and Commonside Close approximately one mile North from Stafford Town Centre and about two miles from Junction 14 of the M6 Motorway.
The property provides detached garage buildings providing three workshop areas, currently used for vehicle repair and MOT purposes, together with ancillary space, a mezzanine storage area and forecourt parking and is available as a consequence of the present occupier's retirement plans.
The accommodation comprises WORKSHOP NO. 1 of single-storey construction with brick and asbestos sheet clad elevations, roofs in felt and unlined asbestos cement sheeting with translucent panels providing natural lighting and floor in concrete with an eaves height of 11ft. 8ins. (3.55m.). The accommodation provides, in addition to the vehicle workspace, a reception, two offices and male and female WC facilities with a lobby and stairs leading to mezzanine storage.
WORKSHOP NO. 2 of single-storey steel-frame concrete block construction with lined asbestos cement sheet roof with translucent panels providing natural lighting and floor in concrete with an eaves height of 9ft. 8ins. (2.94m.). Vehicular access is by way of double timber doors with a roller shutter security door behind.
The property is likely to also be also of interest to developers following the owner obtaining Planning Consent no. 18/29036/FUL, issued by Stafford Borough Council on the 15thMarch 2019, which grants permission for the demolition of the buildings and the erection of three dwellings subject to conditions.
Further details and plans can be provided on request and show a scheme with a pair of two-bedroomed semi-detached houses fronting Co-operative Street and a single detached three-bedroomed house fronting Commonside Close.